Carl Rippon

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Mocking Console

March 16, 2022

When developing a reusable component, there are cases when we want to warn consumers when they pass a bad props combination. This post covers how to mock console.warn in a test and verify a warning appears for a bad props combination.

A component to test

The following component warns consumers when the value and defaultValue props are both passed:

export function Input(props: React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"input">) {
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (props.value !== undefined && props.defaultValue !== undefined) {
        "If you are controlling `value` with state, there is no need to pass `defaultValue` - just set the default state"
  }, [props.value, props.defaultValue]);

  return <input className="input" {...props} />;

The warning is an important bit of logic that we might want to cover in a test. Here’s the skeleton test:

test("Should output warning when value and defaultValue specified", () => {
  // TODO - mock `console.warn`
  render(<Input value="test" defaultValue="test" />);
  // TODO - check console.warn has been called

Using jest.spyOn

A previous post covered how to use jest.spyOn to mock a function. We can use jest.spyOn to mock console.warn:

test("Should output warning when value and defaultValue specified", () => {
  const warn = jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => {});  render(<Input value="test" defaultValue="test" />);
  // TODO - check console.warn has been called

The mock implementation doesn’t need to do anything - the main thing is that we can detect that it is called.

We can use the toBeCalledWith matcher to check that console.warn is called:

test("Should output warning when value and defaultValue specified", () => {
  const warn = jest.spyOn(console, "warn").mockImplementation(() => {});
  render(<Input value="test" defaultValue="test" />);
  expect(warn).toBeCalledWith(    "If you are controlling `value` with state, there is no need to pass `defaultValue` - just set the default state"  );});

At the end of the test, we can call mockRestore to clear all the mock stats and restore the original implementation of console.warn:

test("Should output warning when value and defaultValue specified", () => {
  const warn = jest.spyOn(console, "warn").mockImplementation(() => {});
  render(<Input value="test" defaultValue="test" />);
    "If you are controlling `value` with state, there is no need to pass `defaultValue` - just set the default state"

Nice! 😊

The code from this post is available in Codesandbox in the link below.

🏃 Play with the code

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